A new training programme for dance teachers to encourage more boys in the dance studio and keep them coming week after week.

Hello and welcome to ABCDance

A new training programme for dance teachers to encourage more boys into the dance studio and keep them coming week after week!

As dance teachers it’s up to us to normalise boys dancing, kick outdated stereotypes and stigmas to the curb and make boys feel like they do belong in our dance studios! Boys only classes are a great way to introduce a higher volume of boys into your school.

ABCDance can change this sometimes daunting prospect into an amazingly exciting and rewarding one!

And most importantly help teachers to make boys feel like they belong in our female dominant dance schools.

The Creator

Natalie Pearl

My mission is simple - making dance a hobby for boys as much as football or rugby is!

There are so so many boys out there who want to dance…..let’s give them that place to thrive.

My name is Natalie Pearl and I have run my own dance school for 20 years. In 2017 , due to the small amount of boys attending, I started a boys only class to try and encourage more boys into the studio. And I haven’t looked back! It grew at rapid speed, and I now consistently have 50-60 boys attending my dance school.

In 2021 I won the RAD Project B award for innovation in male dance ,and delivered numerous seminars and talks for the RAD and BBO.

Also in 2021 I founded National Boys Dance Day which in 2023 saw 100 boys from across the UK joining together for a fabulous day of dance!

What is the ABCDance Programme?

A unique, one of a kind training programme for teachers to inspire them to start boys only classes and encourage more boys into their dance school.

What will I learn on the day?

  • Barriers for boys

  • Why are there these barriers?

  • Specific marketing

  • Barriers for teachers and how to overcome them

  • Benefits of dance for boys

  • Male v female brains

  • Attracting boys into your studios

  • Keeping them inspired

  • Keep them coming week after week

  • Class plans and ideas

  • How to get started

  • Exclusive use of ABCDance branding for your boys classes

Can I start up my own ABCDance classes straight away?

100%!! You will leave ready and raring to go!

Who can do the course?

Any qualified dance teacher from any association.

”As a male dancer who regularly felt left out and penalised, I believe it is extremely important for male dancers to experience boys only dance classes. Boys are built differently both physically and mentally and often work in a different way to girls.

I’m a huge advocate for teachers introducing boys only classes to their schools as it gives boys a safe space to experience the camaraderie that girls often take for granted. Boys don’t always want to be the feature role wearing the special costume, and often just want to feel part of a team and not like the odd one out. I believe a sense of community and true belonging can only be achieved by giving boys the opportunity to dance with other boys.

Let’s all work together to get more boys into dance studios and train ourselves to change our approach to nurture their needs. Everyone needs a community of dancing boys to be proud of.”

Simon Hundley - Founder of Phoenix Boys, Ballet Brotherhood and Five Star Boys

What do people say?

”ABCDANCE was a super informative and interesting course, I came away feeling confident enough to launch an all boys class straight away! This has taken off really well and I have 7 boys attending regularly, with more interest coming all the time.

The course answered my questions on how to build a class successfully to appeal to boys and keep their attention, and also the differences to expect from a girls class.”

Millie Wortley RAD CBTS

”ABCD has given me more confidence to teach boys as well as inspire me. I have gained more ideas to teach the boys and can’t wait to use them going forward.”

Rachael Ford ISTD DDE modem and tap

Don’t delay sign up for the first course of 2024!

Register Today

Complete the registration form and make a payment of £197.00 by clicking the button below.

Course Details

Date - 1st December 2024

Times - 11:00am -4:00pm

Location - Pineapple Dance Studios, London

Contact Info

07867 808703

Get in touch

If there is anything you would like to discuss before booking onto any of our courses please feel free.

Simple complete the contact form with your information and message and then click submit, we will get back to you ASAP.